IATKOS V7: The Ultimate Guide to Installing Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.7 on Your PC (Intel AMD SSE2, SSE3) 32
Installed with iAtkos v7. Comes with 10.5.7 out of the box.With the default selection plus the following package selection, video and audio work out of the box:Vanilla kernel, Apple Decrypter, Sata AHCI, Laptop battery, Vodoo HDA driver, NVEnabler (QE enabled automatically).iAtkos V7 is a lot improved. Spanish tutorial I made: -hackintosh-mac-os-x-1057-iatkos-v7-amd-e-intel/
IATKOS V7 Mac OS X86 Leopard 10.5.7 For PC (Intel AMD SSE2, SSE3) 32
Thanks for the reply, I was able to do the 10.5.6 update. Downloading 10.5.7 and then I will install 10.5.8. One question, can I upgrade my leopard to snow leopard without making another partition and without moving all of my apps and data off my leopard partition? If not, I guess I can just wait until there is something, but if there is please give me some sort of link that tells me how to do it.
iATKOS v7 [Amd] [intel] - leopard w wersji 10.5.7 dostosowana do procesorów amd z obsługą sse2/sse3 , możliwość instalacji bootloadera , bogate wyposażenie w sterowniki Nvidia . Teraz w wersji AMD! . Jedna z nielicznych dystrybucji 10.5.7